We make redundant navigation systems that cannot be jammed or spoofed
We provide GPS-like fidelity without the satellites
When knowing where you are and where you are going is a life and death situation…
we’ll help get you there
Navigate With Confidence
Navigate With Confidence
Become Unjammable
Our systems are currently deployed in the field in some of the most GPS denied regions on the planet.
WHO we are
SOF veteran founded, veteran operated, veteran manufactured, made in the USA.
How it works
Our software and sensor fusion system works alongside existing GPS systems (but if your vehicle doesn’t have one, we’ve got you covered). When our system discovers degraded GPS, it kicks in and keeps you on track. Whether using our user interface or operating on ATAK, you can rest assured that you’re getting good intel so you can stay focused on the mission.
Users get access to the MSRS® database of mapping and navigation information, which is integrated into both MSRS’s® downloadable and online software.
50.0020° N, 36.3074° E

Ready to get moving? Get in touch with us today. With current demand and needs, lead time may vary.